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About Nikki

Nikki Gepner, RDN, CD, FNLP

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Certified Dietitian, Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Practitioner


Hi, I’m Nikki Gepner, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist in Bothell, WA.  I help people investigate the root causes of why they are experiencing symptoms like fatigue, PMS, bloating, joint pain and more.  I’m tired of people being told everything is normal when they hardly feel well enough to enjoy their day.

My Story

I still remember coming home from a birthday party when I was 7 or 8, extremely nauseated and sick.  I was told it was lactose intolerance yet avoiding lactose didn’t help.  I would often have rashes and hives and was told it was just dry skin and to use lotion, which didn’t help.  I had such painful periods that I would miss school and work because I couldn’t concentrate and was not safe to drive.  I was told this was normal and to take pain medication, but that didn't help.  As an adult I started getting migraines, I would lose peripheral vision and would end up so nauseated I would pray to be able to sleep.  After having my boys, I started having horrible joint aches with severe fatigue that would last days to a week at a time.  I was told that I was pretty healthy.  How could that be possible?  Some days I was literally too tired to take my boys to the park and it was all I could do to sit and watch them play.   How is this healthy?  I guess I didn't look sick enough.


Sick and tired, I started to incorporate lifestyle changes to reduce stress, improve my sleep and changed my diet to heal my digestive tract.  While symptoms may creep up now and then, I feel much better equipped to navigate them and get back to feeling better sooner than later.   

Professional Background

  • Nikki is a graduate of Bastyr University and has completed training with the Integrative and Functional Nutrition Academy, Functional Nutrition Alliance and completed the SIBO Mastery Program with Dr. Nirala Jacobi.  Nikki has been practicing nutrition for nearly 20 years in the Seattle area and has experience with 1:1 nutrition counseling, teaching cooking classes and providing group nutrition education. 

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